News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Here’s how HAARP creates and modifies extreme weather as a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION
Do you know what the term “weather warfare” means? A project called HAARP, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program located in Gakona, Alaska and originally a joint effort of the U.S. Air Force and Navy, combines hundreds of massive antennas that can function as one huge steerable antenna, able to aim millions of watts of […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 12 modern-day WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and their fake cover names given by MSM, Big Tech & Pharma
Ever since the early 1900s, the “powers that be” in America have engaged in population control and reduction schemes to keep people sick, dying and paying the government for it all the while. The American Medical Association jump started it when they labeled all natural remedies “quack medicine” and “snake oil” and all lab-concocted chemical-based […]
By S.D. Wells
WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW: Origin of LYME DISEASE as a likely bioweapon exposed by award-winning medical science writer Kris Newby and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Kris Newby is an award-winning medical science writer and the producer of the Lyme disease documentary “Under our Skin,” which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was an Oscar semifinalist in 2010. Kris Newby has spent two decades studying Lyme Disease after contracting and suffering from it herself. She also authored “Bitten” that won […]
By S.D. Wells
DEADLY mRNA clot shots revealed to be a MILITARY PROJECT developed by NIH, not Moderna and Pfizer, as we were all led to believe
Did you know that military contractors created the experimental gene therapy injections that trick human cells into producing billions of toxic spike prions in the blood? Did you know that NIH owns 50 percent of the patents for the mRNA vaccines that Moderna and Pfizer pushed out on the populace? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is […]
By S.D. Wells
Trump’s would-be assassin reportedly flew a drone over the fairgrounds before the speech and could have dropped explosives on Trump
Immediately after every mass shooting, fake news jumps to the podium to declare it was a “lone shooter” with a “long gun.” No matter how many bullets are fired, from how many directions, and no matter what intel, equipment, planning, recon and technology was involved, the narrative stays the same from day one. Plus, the […]
By S.D. Wells
Liberal protesters in Israel urge government to enlist orthodox Jews in the Army to make them fight (and die) in New Gaza War
“The army needs more people” the Israeli liberals decry, as they are all up-in-arms that the orthodox Jews called Haredi can’t be drafted into the military there. The orthodox Jews have no intentions of serving in a proxy war, alongside liberals and gays, who don’t believe what they believe, including in God. The seculars and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 government-run and taxpayer-funded INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES robbing Americans of their health and wealth
One of the main reasons most politicians from both sides, including the Rhino GOP, hate Donald J. Trump so much is because he’s already a billionaire who has no need to embezzle and launder billions of dollars through massive schemes that rob the American taxpayers. Ever since the early 1900s, there have been swaths of […]
By S.D. Wells
Biden Regime and NATO may be collaborating with Bill Gates to attack Russia with virus-spreading genetically-mutated MOSQUITOES
Look, up in the sky, it’s not birds or planes, it’s genetically modified mosquitoes. Sure, you’ve heard of weapons of mass destruction, but nothing like this before. Kremlin military police are up in arms about the distinct likelihood that Bill Gates and his globalist minions are planning to attack Moscow, the Russian capital (and try […]
By S.D. Wells
The IMPORTATION and EXPORTATION practices that are crippling America
It is more than obvious that the Biden administration’s main goal is to systematically turn America into a communist country by dismantling the constitution, destroying the middle class, and fixing the elections so the Democrats remain in power for good. As the supply chain crumbles more and more each day, the cost of goods is […]
By S.D. Wells
Post-apocalyptic Netflix movie Jung_E features AI militarized clones weaponized against humanity, completely controlled by the evil government
Through smart phones, mass media, social media, TV, movies, and advertising, much of what humans think about all day and night is manipulated and controlled. Most purchases and perceived “choices” Americans make are heavily influenced and even coerced by corporate scripts, sales tricks, persuasive marketing, and complex algorithms. Now, with the development of artificial intelligence […]
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